Dan Drees, Copy Systems Inc., Des Moines, Iowa
"I wanted to let you know that I did get a lot out of this course. I have been in this business for more than 30 years and moving toward retirement. Your course has brought out things that we used to do, but have not done in a while. The two books of required reading were very interesting, especially the book from Carl Sewell, 'Customers for Life.' He has a lot of great points in the book that we are currently doing and things we are looking at as a company. His book also shows us how important great service is and how important our customers are to our business. We have that in our mission statement here at Copy Systems: 'Our mission and purpose is pleasing customers. Our customers pay our wages. We will treat them right and keep them with us.' I really enjoyed the week on the difference between coaching and mentoring. I sometimes forget the difference between the two and how important it is on using the two in different instances. I did enjoy the class on key elements. Sometimes we need to be reminded as leaders to step back to evaluate our leadership skills. We need to take time and effectively listen to our troops. Also, how to deal with challenges of day-to-day issues and to try to anticipate those issues. I thought it was very interesting on the cost of getting a new technician up to speed and how long it usually takes. Eye opener! Evaluating the team was a good class. The formal and informal evaluation. We do a formal evaluation each year, but I fail at times to do an informal one monthly. It was good to put this in front of me so I can start doing this again on a monthly basis. I like the class on effective team meetings. I do have weekly Monday-morning meetings with service, but at times I would just wing it. Now I use an agenda for each meeting and it's consistent for each meeting. Motivating your team was a good class too. Using the pyramid analysis was great. Motivational style, achievement and recognition, and what motivates people. Cost of labor (burden rate): We already use the ProFinance model, but putting together the cost involved on labor for the burden rate was a good refresher for me. The class on parts cost was another good refresher for me. Gave me other ideas to look into. Lastly, I really enjoyed the last three classes on the case studies. Everyone saw something different that I didn’t see. I see the numbers one way, but others saw things that I wasn’t looking for in the case studies. We already do a lot of things right here at our business such as customer surveys, technician benchmarks and the ProFinance model. My company does a good job of giving us all the numbers and keeps everything transparent, but this class still gave me a lot of tools to use and pass along to my team and my replacement."